Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Did you know they were putting sand in our tootpaste?

I've called Crest, Aquafresh, and Colgate today and every single one is putting Silica in there tootpaste. That's right sand! Oh, but it's processed and cleaned. Sanatized and pluverized, but it's in our toothpaste. OK now I've been cleaning my teeth for years with tooth paste that didn't have sand in it and I only have 4 cavities. Not bad for a child who LOVED candy.

Also if you look up Crest they don't give you their 1-800-492-7378 number they want you to send them an e-mail and someone will get back to you shortly. I found the Crest 1-800 number on the back of a sample tube from the dentist! Aquafresh wasn't all that nice, but Colgate and Crest were very friendly. It's difficult when you don't want to brush away your teeth, and the flavor doesn't taste quite right anymore! Kinda gritty like sand although they would swear that you shouldn't be able to taste it!

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